In 2021 we established a new, enhanced ESG agenda building on our existing CSR and sustainability programmes to bring all our commitments into a single, joined-up, more impactful approach.

This ambitious new approach is part of our Programme Compass strategy reset, led directly by our CEO, with senior sponsors for each of the ESG components who are responsible for driving this initiative forward for the business.

Work is already underway to calculate our corporate carbon footprint (CCF) as a baseline for setting future targets and we are making good progress towards achieving the 2025 Product Sustainability targets that we set last year. These are based on four key pillars: reduction in the use of plastics, plastic recyclability, product compaction and responsible sourcing.
A review of key areas in the societal and governance arenas is also underway, building on already well-established workforce and community engagement practices and governance standards. This will help us set new standards in our Environment, Social and Governance commitments for the company.



We aim to ensure that each new product development is more sustainable than the product it replaces. Our environmental team already has already set 2025 product sustainability targets and outlined our key ambitions on energy and waste.



Our Societal team is committed to building on the great work undertaken to date across health and wellbeing, charitable and community engagement, dignity and equality, training and employment practices.



As a public company, many of the best practice areas covered by the Governance team are part of the way McBride operates today. This team is focused on ensuring we uphold the highest standards of governance in every element of our decision making.

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